I take your point, but the lemon tree I have for its size is ornamental
only. I am not saying that will always be the case as when its large enough
I would love to pick and use the fruit.
Will have to cross that bridge when I come to it.
Best regards. GKN
"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message
The message k
from "GKN" contains these words:
Regards. GKN
"dirt dibbler" wrote in message
Has anyone found a good cure for scale insects on indoor lemon trees?
Found one in B&Q its called Provado ultimate bug killer.
Its about six pounds a bottle but is a concentrate and is systemic,
recommended for re-application after eight weeks.
I have given my lemon tree one application about four weeks ago and
thankfully no sign of scale or green bugs.
It recommends lightly spraying the plant until a fine mist is apparent on
the leaf surfaces without run-off ( A bit tricky) I just soaked the whole
foliage and bingo they have gone.
Here's what the manufacturer says at
, quote
" Provado Ultimate Bug Killer should not be applied to edible plants.
*Why can't Provado Ultimate Bug Killer be used on edible plants?
*The product has not be registered for use on edibles by the UK
Regulatory Authority as the *necessary trials work has not been
(end quote)