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Old 23-05-2006, 01:31 PM posted to
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Default Chipper/Shredder buying advice

"Missing Texas" wrote in message

"Mac Cool" wrote in message
Eggs Zachtly:
Rent one?

Smallest chipper/shredders I can rent are $200/day. Considering I could
use one probably four times per year minimum, renting would be stupid.

Mac Cool

I bought one from Home Depot about 7 years ago. 12 hp MTD brand.

I used the hell out of it for 3 days. I may have used it 3 times since.
(Real pain in the ass to use; slow, debris jams, and just the whole time
consuming thing.)

In hindsight, I would have paid the $200.00 and rented. (Much bigger

I might have finished my project in a couple of hours)

It's sitting here now if you want it. $200.00 Central Texas.

I decided that fire was much more fun.

BTW: I live on a 36 acre farm/ranch. You would have thought I needed a

when purchasing have a look at the outlet vent where the mulched material
falls. My dad has a small mulcher with a nice wide oval tube and things
slide out easily. I bought a small domestic unit cheap at a garage sale with
a slat narrow outlet and things get jammed in that constantly.
