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Old 21-05-2006, 10:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Slugs and snails (but not puppy dogs' tails)

"La Puce" wrote in message

Ade wrote:
"Dimple" wrote
Hi, has anyone noticed that there seem to be fewer slugs and snails
year despite the wet weather (well in the SW anyway).
Could it be because we actually had a proper cold spell for a change?

Up here, in the wilds of Bolton, snails and slugs are thriving, as are
lily beetle and wasps. However, I've noticed a lack of greenfly. As for
plants, this year seems to be a good year for honeysuckle and laburnum.

So true! I'm in Manchester and last night I've made 3 coffee jar full
with snails and slugs. Also our honeysuckle is absolutely amazing. I'll
take a photo tomorrow and will show it. I think it's been the warm sun
we've had, then the rain, then the sun ... however my white lilac has
suffered terribly because of the heavy downpour (

I'll second it being a good year for Laburnums. Mine is looking better than
it has done for at least three years.

Plenty of slugs and snails about, main culprits my carrots and Gilia (
little known ferny annual ). Honeysuckle not out yet. I'm in Devon.
