damned good advice Gideon, top stuff. Give it away to someone
prepared to do the work
It is amazing what you can get for free (or get rid of for free) when
the right two people connect. Last summer my son and I obtained
enough free 2' x 2' patio pavers to do a very large patio in our back
yard. A neighbor tore out a patio and lamented that it was going
to cost him a fortune to have the pavers hauled away. He lives a
few hundred feet away from me and it is all downhill sidewalks from
his home to mine. My son & I got a light workout, my neighbor got
rid of a problem, and I got a free patio.
My son and I donate our help to several widows on our street. Two
of those ladies purchase many large potted annuals each Spring.
One of them buys at least 40 pots. Helping them haul out trash,
we quickly became aware a few years ago that all of those dead
plants and their potting soil were being tossed in the trash each fall.
We quickly began hauling those dying plants, rootballs, and sphagnum-
loaded potting soil, along with grass clippings & leaves, to our
compost piles. Everybody is happy.
I'm so happy that I'm currently talking with the plant manager for a local
store. This fall I may be showing up with a truck to help this retailer
dispose of 100's of annuals which didn't sell. Free labor for the store; free
blend of compost and potting soil for me.
Every autumn I have at least one neighbor who mows and bags a
nice blend of grass and fallen leaves, and then thanks me profusely
when I allow him or her to haul the stuff over to my yard and toss it
on top of my compost pile. I'm such a nice neighbor.