Thread: Green grass!
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Old 11-05-2006, 01:14 AM posted to
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Default Green grass!

"Dan" wrote:
Steveo wrote:
Steveo said:

Does anyone from webtv offer good advice?

Why not just killscore them?

!delete Message-ID webtv

^works here just fine.

Or people could not respond unless they're sure about their advice.
Kill-filter won't eliminate that bad advice to someone trying to do
the right thing with their little piece of the earth.

This group is -full- of bad advice.

Until any advice that is posted here is confirmed by steveo and trader,
it's bad advice to me. YMMV


That may be extreme, Dan.

There is a bunch of good ideas and advice here, but just like most NG's
there's a lot more bad than good. I hope everyone takes most of it like a
grain of salt.
