Malus Profusion-like it is!
yes, crab apple it is! It is quite similar to Profusion (but with cerise
rather than wine red flowers) and the bark is not shiny or having horizontal
specks as with cherry - more gnarled like apple.
many thanks
"H Ryder" wrote in message
Could it be a crab apple? did the flowers come out before or after the
leaves? We have a tree which looks cherry like but is actually a crab
apple - Malus something "Profusion" (I think)- it has bright red single
flowers which appear after the cherry like leaves and has cherry like crab
apples in autumn. However teh bark is not at all cherry like (rougher),
habit is not cherry like - it is all gnarled like an apple tree and it is
smaller than your average cherry.
(gardening on well drained, alkaline clay in Somerset)