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Old 07-05-2006, 07:38 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Baraclough
Posts: n/a
Default Moving house - transplanting pear tree

The message
from "Rupert \(W.Yorkshire\)" contains these words:

"NikV" wrote in message

Thank-you for all the advice, unfortunately explaining to 4 & 6 year olds
who expect to take their 'Grandad' with them when they move, that a
substitute will do is not an option

4 & 6 year old kids are very gullible and easily coned. Perhaps you might
keep your eyes open for a similar tree in the local Garden Centres:-)
Depending on how the roots have run you may find a rectangular
container is
a better fit. If necessary knock one up out of wood (coffin shape) .

I was thinking, this is where the kids learn what death really means.
