Remove pea gravel??
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06-05-2006, 06:17 PM posted to rec.gardens
John Hines
Posts: n/a
Remove pea gravel??
PS Any good ideas on how to get all that Gravel out "the easy way" and
not with back breaking labor!!
A screed made of hardware cloth and a wood frame does a good job of
separating out dirt from stones. Breaks up the soil real nicely as well.
I've got one in each 1/4 and 1/8 inch mesh hardware cloth, makes
reasonably short work of sifting dirt. Still have to dig it up, and dump
it on the screed and shake it. Making your screed big enough to stand on
your wheelbarrow and your set to go.
If I had something to say, this is where I'd say it.
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