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Old 06-05-2006, 01:16 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Planting tom seeds direct into ground?

Cat(h) wrote:

Ron Clark wrote:
On 3 May 2006 08:36:50 -0700, "Cat(h)" wrote this
(or the missive included this):

Thanks for these words of comfort :-) I have visions of starting to
crop around the end of September... just perfect for a marvelous recipe
I have for green tomato relish :-)) Seriously, I have been discouraged
by cold weather and lack of time, but how soon should I have started to
germinate those seeds on window sills to be able to have a decent
summer crop? Am I as late as I think I am?

Probably. Save 3-5 weeks, buy some plants from a garden shed.

Good suggestion. I'll probably do a bit of both, and keep the rest of
the seeds for earlier planting next year.

I saw some Alicante tomtoes in Johnstown Garden Centre a few days after
Easter. I have 5 Sungold seedlings spare (I got 15 seeds in a packet
and needed 10 plants and managed to grow all 15) so I have 5 to spare
but do not know how to get them to you. I guess I would wait though
until June. The weather is dire just now and tomatoes need heat. To
be honest, I thijnk you need luck with teh weather to do them outdoors
here. Pick the sunniest and most sheltered corner you can find and
wait a bit. If you do it from seeds, start them indoors in a sunny

Des in windy rainy Dublin
