06-05-2006, 03:18 AM
posted to alt.home.lawn.garden
Air Filter for Older Lawnboy
ecarecar wrote:
Artemis wrote:
ecarecar wrote:
Artemis wrote:
ecarecar wrote:
I have an older (80s?) lawnboy mower. The air filter cover is
constantly coming off and the filter gets dragged out.
Is there a source for cheap "doors"/covers for it?
Is there a replacement air filter assembly that won't disassemble
under evergreens?
The new filter cover will have a hole in it that a clevis pin goes
through to keep low branches from removing it. You should go to a
Lawnboy dealer and buy the oem cover and pin. Cheap aftermarket
covers will not solve your problem.
This is going to fit on a 20 - 25 year-old mower? I just went to a
Weed Eater
dealer for a part for a 15 year old machine, and they just snickered.
Get the model number and look here
to see if they show a clip to hold the cover on.
The model number is usually on the mower deck, not on the engine. If
they don't have a parts list there, post the model number here. I
should be able to find what you need.
The model number is R7268. I won't start denigrating the "gentlemen"
that designed this thing, and it is a good mower, but the design of that
air filter assembly could be improved and the location of it on the mower
was less than perfect, in my opinion.
But anyway, I think the assembly I saw is going to get pulled off
eventually, too. What I saw just used another "snap-on" clip of
some sort that, in my opinion, is just going to get pulled off like
all the others.
Has anybody made an after-market unit? It can't possibly be designed
worse than this.
Is there someplace I can buy a case of these assemblies cheap?
Has somebody made an alarm system to allert you when the filter falls out?
Not that I am aware of.