05-05-2006, 09:32 PM
posted to sci.bio.botany
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Top hit in Google: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/AG152
Hi. I'm trying to grow various ornamental legumes (Caesalpinia,
Calliandra, Dalea) that aren't native to where I live (northern New
Mexico), though some might be found within 50 or 100 miles. Am I right
in thinking the following things?
1. The nitrogen-fixing bacteria that are symbiotic with these plants
won't occur in my soil.
2. They won't be included in commercial inoculants either.
3. My plants will not fix nitrogen.
4. They'll need at least as much nitrogen in their fertilizer as
non-leguminous plants (and my soil, like most in New Mexico, is very
low in nitrogen).
Jerry Friedman