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Old 02-05-2006, 03:05 PM posted to rec.gardens
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Default proper technique for planting potted trees

in addition, if the roots are going round and round in the pot they must be loosened
and cut off or directed outward or they will keep circling. I like to use a knife
and make cuts along the very outside edge of the root ball in 3 places ... this
stims root growth outward. many trees grow with an obvious stunting in the flare on
one side of the tree. this is where a root is wrapped around and strangling normal
growth. where trunk meets soil the trunk comes straight down or even tucks under a
bit. the root ball has to be checked for these kind of roots before planting.
they are suggesting planting high because trees tend to settle down into the hole
over the loosened soil (is good to NOT dig the hole deeper than the planting depth,
but dig a bit wider. Ingrid

newsreader wrote:
A lot depends on how long the tree has been in the pot, and whether or
not it has become root bound. If the roots are very tightly matted &
intertwined at the bottom and sides, a bit of loosening is in order. I
like using a blunt hand garden fork to carefully work the bottom roots
loose a bit, and spread them out somewhat. Then cover them with nice
loose amended soil.

If the roots are not matted, no extra detangling is necessary.

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