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Old 01-05-2006, 06:36 PM posted to rec.gardens
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Default Roundup mixed last year. Still OK?

Dan_Musicant wrote:
The weather is finally good enough for me to spray weeds at the side of
the house and I have a spray container made with Roundup concentrate
probably almost a year ago. Will this still kill the weeds? I know they
say that it decomposes into some non-toxic form within two weeks of
spraying, so I figure it isn't terribly stable. Does anyone know if it
will still work? I used it, but don't want to have to wait a week or two
to find out if it's a waste of time waiting. Thanks for any info.


Yes, it is still good (or still bad, depending on your political bent.)

Round-up is deactivated in the soil almost immediately when it does an
ion-exchange with clay particles. It also decomposes in the soil. It
doesn't decompose in the bottle or sprayer. HTH :-)
