Weed killer for lawns???
"Nicole" wrote in message
How can I control clover in my lawn?
Clover is a bit like wild violets in the lawn - you have to decide whether
you consider it a weed or a flower to be enjoyed. Personally, I leave some
clover in the lawn for the rabbits and hope that they'll feed on it and
perhaps leave my perennials and annuals alone! Clover is a legume, and so
also fixes nitrogen in the soil, as well.
I used to be a regular clover sprayer along with other broad leaf in my
lawn. I have the broad leaf well in check now and can hand till it. A year
or so ago the clover continued to grow no matter how I sprayed it. Finally I
decided/realised that it has its uses and I will never stop it so I have
gotten used to it. I have clover in my lawn and I am not ashamed.