Thread: Crab grass!
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Old 30-04-2006, 02:43 PM posted to
Tom The Great
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Default Crab grass!

On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 07:09:31 -0400, Stubby

Chas Hurst wrote:
The crab grass slipped in on my lawn this spring. I have sprayed Ortho crab
grass killer on it with very dissapointing results. It was left over from
last year. Does it have a shelf life once opened? Are there other brands of
crab grass killer that work better?

My experience is that crabgrass killers work very slowly. And, they
are weak. I need about 3 applications, 2 weeks apart. And even then,
it takes a few weeks for the crabgrass do whither.

Same here, I've had the same experiences like that too. I was
told.... if it was stronger, the regular grass would die too.

I just get mad and pull the stuff up by hand now. If I'm in a rush, I
run around spraying, and come back later, since the crab grass
'yellows' so I can find it later when I have time.


tom @