Steveo wrote:
"Dan" wrote:
Have you tried slice-seeding it yet?
No, I haven't. I had never heard of it before seeing your posts
about it. I have been following the threads here on that subject
trying to learn more. I did see in another post today that you are
using one daily at this time. Is that the preffered way to seed by
pro. LC companies?
It's the cheapest way to deliver your seed to soil. Tree roots and low
spots are its enemy tho. I've killed 12000 sq ft of nice level root
free lawn with roundup and slice seeded it a week later and had great
results. 5K or less are much more frequent tho in my market.
When you get real good at it, I'll tell you how much to charge per
LOL !! I do lawn - yard work as a hobby. I'd prolly starve trying to make
money at it. After six years of working on my 1\2 acre yard, I still have
the crappiest lawn on the block. Think I'll stick to remodeling.
You can rent a slice-seeder at your local rent-a-joint. Use 10 lbs of
seed per 1000 sq ft, instead of the 5 they suggest too. (try to find
a ryan mataway if you can) trade secret.
I have seen Ryan equipment at the local rent-it joint. Next time I go there
I'll check for a Mataway. thanks for the tip.
It ain't rocket science but there is a recipe for Ohio turfgass, and
that's the only one that concerns me so far. It works real well.
May not be rocket science, but I don't have any culinary knowledge either.
Care to enlighten the ignorant? sfsf