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Old 27-04-2006, 04:50 PM posted to
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Default Craftsman 16" Reel Grass Catcher Attachment

Hi Artemis,
Thanks for the reply. I have used the mower already (raking up the
grass afterwards, that's why I'm so keep to attach the grass catcher)
and most of the cut grass seemed to be coming out behind the reel.

I did look at the front of the mower and I can't really see how a grass
catcher would attach that way. Behind the reel there are two hooks that
I can attach the front of the grass catcher, it's how I hang the back
off the push handle that I'm having trouble figuring out.

There are three parts to the grass catcher, the catcher itself which
has a stiff, plastic bottom and nylon sides with a chain and hook off
the back, one long metal rod with loops which is the same width as the
front of the catcher and an "L" shaped metal piece that has a hook on
one end.
