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Old 15-03-2003, 03:44 AM
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Default Good snails/ Bad snails/ controll

Zebra loaches keep the snails in my 80 gallon planted tank in check. They
almost wiped them all out, but a few have survived.

If you want to get rid of them another way, try putting a piece of cucumber
in the tank. They will attach themselves to it and then remove the cucumber
and snails.
"Henry" wrote in message
I have a 30 gal heavily planted tank. Things seem to be going pretty well
..... except the tank is being overrun with snails. The snails have come

with the plants (as eggs I presume), as I have never intentionally

a snail. There are at least four different species, but I don't know what
they are (although I think one of them is a Ramshorn). Most of them are
still quite small, but some of the ones that I think is are Ramshorns are
getting up to the 3/4 inch range.

I have nothing against snails per se; in fact I would like to keep a few.
but I need to get rid of a bunch of them (there are literally hundreds). I
would appreciate help with the following issues:

Are there any (relatively small) fish that will eat them but not dig up

damage the plants, and will not eat my other fish which include some small
Ottos and several dwarf Cories

What other types of control are recommended? Details appreciated. Is there
such a thing as some kind of snail trap?

Where do I go to identify the different species.

Which ones are "good" and which ones are bad.

Thank you.