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Old 18-04-2006, 10:01 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
michael adams
Posts: n/a
Default Homebase Ripoff?

"Saxman" wrote in message
.. .
I took a packet of Suttons Beefsteak tomato seed to a Homebase checkout
today. The staff member requested £3.25 for payment! I protested and
queried it, only to be told that it was correct.


That's nothing to do with Homebase.

Beefeater, if thats what you're talking about, are currently
£3.25 on Sutton's own website.

Sorry I can't leave individual links as the prices are in frames
on the page.


I refused to pay and purchased a packet of Suttons Marmande beefsteak
tomato seed for £1.29 in a Wyevale nursery about mile down the road.


While marmand are again £1.29

So again nothing to do with Wyevale being any cheaper.

Beefeeater, if that's what you're talking about is an FI
hybrid which would make it more expensive.

FI hybrids are more expensive to produce as they use the pollen
(anther) and (ovaries) sigma from two separate plant strains
which need to be hand pollinated.

In this way, they can produce much more consistent fruit in
terms of yield and characteristics, which customers feel is
worth paying for.


I think Homebase is becoming too expensive now.


michael adams