On 12 Apr 2006 03:09:15 GMT, Steveo wrote:
"MaryL" -OUT-THE-LITTER wrote:
"Damian" wrote in message
I'm in Central Texas and think what I'm seeing is fungus problems.
Essentially, blades are turning yellow, the area thins, then dies.
This is in both well watered and dryer areas as well as full sun,
medium shade areas. I've heard of grey leaf spot, but am not really
seeing the tell-tale spots.
A friend says she used to use a granular solution that solved the
problem, but another friend who knows alot more about these things
then I ever will, says the only solution he knows of is only for brown
Bottom line: I just want the entire lawn to look as lush and green as
large parts do.
Any recommendations? Suggestions on where to get it and approximate
Is it possible that you have chinch bugs instead of fungus? I live in
East Texas, and they are very common here. It's a little early for them,
but I suggest checking for them before you decide on fungus. To do so,
remove both ends of a metal coffee can, pound that about three inches
into the ground and pour water into it (some sources say to use soapy
water). Watch to see if any little bugs float to the surface. If they
do, you may have chinch bugs. Here is a link with description:
Chinch bug will take a nice lawn down to the point of needing slice-seed
repair, if left un-treated for two or three weeks here in Ohio during the
I'm quite certain it is not chinch bugs as I know what they look like
and have seen nothing that looks like one. And I think you're right,
it is early for them.