"Pete" wrote in message
I am a west coast BC Canada gardener, any info regarding this variety
woud be appreciated.
not sure its much help
but I have one on the West coast of Scotland
situated in horrible poor soil in amongst a conifers roots
in one of the most exposed corners of the garden
where the hens like to dust bathe
[I know, I know but thats where it ended up!!!]
and although it really struggles to put on any growth or leaf
it has flowered twice each of the last 3 years - double then single
the first two years it didn't do much
and is well worth it
the flowers are lovely
So I would say that give it a fair chance !!!! it would be really lovely
you cannot give it much more dogs abuse thanI have
Jill Bowis
http://www.poultryscotland.co.uk http://www.henhouses.co.uk
http://www.domesticducks.co.uk http://www.poultry-books.co.uk
Cobble Hill Vancouver Island