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Old 08-04-2006, 07:46 PM posted to
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Default New Sod Lawn w/ Weeds

mowing the weeds wont help. you need to get the weed and root out. So
get out a small board or piece of ply wood about 2'x2' or 4'x4' so you
can stand or sit on and not hurt the grass roots while you are pulling
the weeds out by the roots. Dandilions are the worst to let go to seed
since the seeds will blow all over the place in the slightest of winds.

Eiher that or have the sod taken out and use a different company for sod.


We just moved into a new house that was completed this winter. The
bermuda sod was probably put in around January. We live in NW Arkansas
where now the weather is beginning to get around mid 60 - 70s in the
day and the weeds are beginning to grow rapidly. Most of the sod is no
longer visisble due to the weeds. I went to the Scotts website and
found that April 1 - June 1 to apply Scotts Turf Builder Plus 2 Weed
Control. So I went to the store and got that, but from reading the
package it says not to apply to new sod lawns until after 4 mowings.
Now, I have also heard that you are supposed to wait a certain amount
of time before mowing new sod to allow its roots to take hold. So I'm
not sure what to do... I'm afraid if I wait to long after seeing how
quickly these current weeds grew in, I'll have a jungle. So does
anyone have any information on what to do with a new bermuda sod lawn
with weeds? Most of the info I find online pertains to a new lawn or
an established lawn with weeds, but not a new lawn with weeds, and I
just want to get some advice before I do something to mess it all up.
I also have an sprinkler system... does anyone have any links to good
practice watering? Like how much and how often?

Thanks for any help,