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Old 07-04-2006, 01:26 PM posted to rec.gardens
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a
Default Shredding & blowing peat moss on lawn?

"Mama Bear" wrote in message

Aw jeez, I had to get into a nest of environazis too!

Environazis? Is that defined as someone who's aware of something you

As far as your plan, if it were a good idea, I would've heard of it sometime
since 1970, when I began gardening. And, I would've seen it being done by
landscapers. Sharper minds than yours would've arrived at the same idea
years ago. It has not happened.

If you need to know more about how to use peat moss go to the store and
actually read the information on one of the big bales. If it's accurately
written, it will tell you that peat moss needs to be worked into the soil to
at least 6-8 inches. If you're ready to do that on an 8000 sq ft lawn, knock
yourself out.