Shredding & blowing peat moss on lawn?
On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 19:18:12 -0500, Mama Bear wrote:
Someone was telling me that they can use a shredder-blower to shred
peat moss and spray a think layer of it all over your lawn after
putting down grass seed, then you water and it helps keep the
moisture in and start the seed so it doesn't dry out.
Sounds like you're talking about some variant of hydroseeding/hydromulching.
The smallest, lightest duty unit I've ever seen was about $3-4K, if I recall
correctly. Big ones, self-propelled, I believe are in the $100K+ range.
And chopped straw, sometimes with a tackifier, is typically used.
Sphagnum's a pretty primo product for such a use.
If you really want to go this route, I'd look for a big landscaping company
of the type hired to seed golf courses or estates or highway cuts.
Personally, I've started a lot of lawns over the years with nothing more
than scattering seed by hand over worked up soil, raking and treading it
in, and adding a topping of compost or mulch if I've got it handy. Watering
is the big key to the project, which is why I tend to renovate lawn
in the fall, just before the rains start.
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