Mice eating our peas
Paraffin works, so does white spirit (I have used both,) and Diesel oil
has been mentioned. Only 20 minutes to 1/2 hour soak is enough. You can
re-use paraffin or white spirit
The alternative is to germinate in a section of guttering until thesprout
about 2inches-I've not tried this myself but a local gardener uses this
he mice are after the seeds and don't bother once the green parts have taken
up the food store.
David T
"Bob Hobden" wrote in message
"Scotia" wrote in answer to Bob Hobden who asked:
On this new allotment we have not seen a cat (or
Fox) and our peas, which were just coming up, are being eaten by mice.
What is the best method of protection?
Traps or bait or what???
Are you sure it is mice at this stage, my guess it is the 'early birds'
i.e. pigeons, jays and a few of the smaller birds.
Doesn't look like birds, we also have a lot of bird scarers up and others
on the site now say mice are a problem with peas and beans.
To overcome the 'mouse problem' I sow seed in cell trays, three or four
seeds per cell, and germinate in the greenhouse or cold frame.
I then plant out the plugs of seedlings when they are 25mm (1") high,
This method also cancels the possibilty of gaps in rows caused by non
Hope that helps
Yes, for next year, then I might try the old gutter trick and plant them
in that so you just slide off the row of plants into a suitable drill.
Been down today and there does not appear to be any more damage, so
fingers crossed. :-)
Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK