Shredding & blowing peat moss on lawn?
"Mama Bear" wrote in message
Can someone please answer my original question, without going off
on tangents like this? Thanks.
You obviously didn't have a question. You had a bad idea and you wanted
other people to agree with it. That's not happening, so maybe you're one of
those people who only recognizes certain sources of knowledge. You know - a
badge, a college degree, but certainly not answers from people who may have
30+ years of gardening experience.
So, I have an idea. Go to Google and do a web search. Copy & paste the exact
line you see below:
"cooperative extension" new york
But, substitute your state for "new york". In the search results, you should
see links to sites that probably will end in .edu. Poke around in those
results, find a phone number, and call your CE service for some advice. They
will most certainly tell you to have soil tests done from various locations
in your yard. And, I'll bet you a year's salary that they will NOT go along
with your massive peat moss debacle.