Shredding & blowing peat moss on lawn?
"Warren" wrote in message
Mama Bear wrote:
Can someone please answer my original question, without going off
on tangents like this? Thanks.
Why do you think anyone knows where you can get a blower shredder that
will do that? If none of us thinks it's a good idea, why would we have
ever shopped for one? You're not getting a straight answer because your
original message implied that you weren't interested in whether the idea
worked, but just on how to carry-out the idea even if it is a dumb idea.
You came here with your mind made up.
As Doug noted, the shredded peat moss is going to very quickly dry-out.
It's either going to just blow away, or it's going to wick-away water that
otherwise could be going to good use. Think about it. Just how would loose
peat moss help do anything useful?
Not only that, but if the lawn were mowed correctly (leaving clippings in
place, mowing as high as possible except for the last cutting before
winter), there will be plenty of organic matter deposited on the lawn. Peat
moss should be saved for garden areas, and used only if the soil is utterly