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Old 05-04-2006, 01:04 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default dreaded weeds in the lawn...

they are leaves on top and underneath, this thick root system, like a
highway network, just above the soil!

"Pam Moore" wrote in message
On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 08:48:04 GMT, "pied piper"

just use a selective weedkiller then reseed
"SimonL" wrote in message
A couple of years ago, we purchased a new home with a 6m x 6m patch of
newly laid turf out the back. It was lovely.

2 years later, one corner of it (the sunniest) has broken out into leafy
weeds. I trimmed them with the mower (I keep it short) and have noticed
the weeds have grown underneath the lawn like a darn beanstalk! I have
tried to rip them up, have done most....

now - to regenerate.

What do I do? Douse the area in weedkiller and wait? When can I replant
the grass seeds?

Should I dig up the whole area with a ditch and refill it with potting

All lawns get weeds at some point.
Try to find out what the weeds are. Take a bit to a garden centre if
necessary. If they are broad leaved weeds, as opposed to the grass
leaves, lawn weedkiller should do the trick.
The weeds will be killed and the grass will stay. No need to do any

Pam in Bristol