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Old 30-03-2006, 11:04 PM posted to,rec.gardens
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a
Default Lawn fertilizing, weed-spraying advice needed!

Well, just watch the chemicals, especially if you have kids or pets. As I
said, it is nowhere near as safe as its vendors claim.

"DK" wrote in message ...
I haven't talked with our extension office, but have checked out their Web
sites and recommendations on fertilizing schedule and all that.

I'd say, I have moderate expectations ... doesn't have to be like a golf
course, but I don't want half my lawn to be weeds neither, because they
tend to take over quickly and fill in more of the lawn. My goal is to
improve the conditions for the grass to grow, so thicker grass will
prevent so many weeds from popping up.


"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
It's possible (and more likely than you might imagine) that the growing
conditions on your lawn are more friendly to weeds than grass. This means
that you may end up poisoning your land every year, which is bad because
the chemicals you need to use have not been, and cannot be proven safe.

Have you spoken with your state's cooperative extension about soil tests,
and ways of helping the grass compete with the weeds? And, what are your
expectations? Perfection, like a golf course?