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Old 30-03-2006, 09:18 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default mulch for Akebia and Nelly Moser

The problem with bark chippings is that as they rot down, they take
goodies from the soil (nitrogen, if my memory is working today) which
the gardener then has to put back. I don't know if this affects
Clematis particularly but as I don't like the look of bark chippings,
I've never tried them. I have seen some very chlorotic Camellias
treated this way, though. Pesonally, I'd use slate or pebbles because
I think they'd look nicer and will be good at keeping the Clematis root
run cool. Of course, you will have to make sure that you don't let
your plants dry out, so whatever you use will have to be moved for
watering sometimes.
South Devon

Moved for watering ?? I was thinking of an anti-weed sheet and then
small slate chippings or stones. Any reason why water wont just pass
right through ?? (I could add half a 500ml water bottle at the back -
sticking out the pebles - that I could water into...)