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Old 13-03-2003, 09:44 PM
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Default How do you get rid of moles without traps

Pat Meadows writes:

Pat On Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:12:02 GMT, bob
jwx1.deleteThis@bellsouthnet wrote:

(Susan E Desjardins) wrote in


We have moles in our lawn & garden and wonder if there is a way to
get rid of them without trapping & killing them. I know they eat grubs

They also aerate the lawn. Since they don't eat your veggies and they help
the lawn, why would you want to get rid of them?

Pat We have a mole-control specialist here. She's very
Pat dedicated to her work and very successful.

Pat She's also become very good at controlling voles - GOOD
Pat girl!

Pat She says 'Meow, meow'.

We did too, a very active girl. But, sadly, she is no
longer on the top of the food chain in our densely populated
area, a coyote killed her 10 yards from our house. So much
for kitty control.

Andrew Hall
(Now reading Usenet in rec.gardens.edible...)