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Old 13-03-2003, 03:09 PM
kevin bailey
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Default [IBC] propogating beech/birch from seed

Sounds like a Birch to me but could possibly be Beech. The seed makes it
easy to tell apart though. Birches have papery conelets that self
destruct and distribute tiny papery seeds. Beech have a nut within a
hard shell that is usually covered in spikes.

Propagation is also different. Birch seed is light sensitive and needs
surface sowing.

The forest planting is likely to be a long term project though, as
seedlings take many years to develop any white bark.

Good luck

Kev Bailey

-----Original Message-----
From: Internet Bonsai Club ] On Behalf
Of Neal Ross
Sent: 13 March 2003 03:40
Subject: [IBC] propogating beech/birch from seed

I am not sure what kind of tree my neighbor has and neither is she
really. It is a white barked tree with serrated leaves like a hormbeam
but in the fall it has little cone like seed pots that cover everything
within 50 feet of the tree with seed. I have lived in this house for 11
years now and in that entire time I have only seen one seedling pop up
out of all those seeds. I have laid out beds of soil and let the seeds
fall into it for the winter and nothing has come up. I have collected
some and cold stratified them in the fridge and nothing has come up. I
could love to get some of them to sprout to make a forest planting out
of these trees but I can't get any to start. Any ideas?

--I crucified my hate and
held the world within my hands--
Neal Ross-Marysville CA

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