Thread: Fan heaters
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Old 20-03-2006, 11:14 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Tweedy
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Default Fan heaters

Thanks to Jane (aka Moonrose) I am not about to buy a fan heater for the
I like those with separate thermostats and fans for the summer but why
do they always show the heater up in the air?
Surely it's much more comfortable working in a nice warm greenhouse with
the warm air circulating around your legs rather than blasting your face
every time you turn round?
Anyway I thought warm air rose? So why put the heater by the roof?

Found a nice heater on

seems cheaper for it's power than the hotbox ones though I suspect might
be a bit too big for an 8x10 Alton? Only want to keep the temperature
warm enough to help seedlings and cuttings along at this time of the
year and to keep frost out.

Janet Tweedy
Amersham Gardening Association