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Old 13-03-2003, 06:56 AM
Neal Ross
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] propogating beech/birch from seed

I am not sure what kind of tree my neighbor has and neither is she really. It is a white barked tree with serrated leaves like a hormbeam but in the fall it has little cone like seed pots that cover everything within 50 feet of the tree with seed. I have l
ived in this house for 11 years now and in that entire time I have only seen one seedling pop up out of all those seeds. I have laid out beds of soil and let the seeds fall into it for the winter and nothing has come up. I have collected some and cold stra
tified them in the fridge and nothing has come up. I could love to get some of them to sprout to make a forest planting out of these trees but I can't get any to start. Any ideas?

--I crucified my hate and
held the world within my hands--
Neal Ross-Marysville CA

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