Re-seeding lawn - should I start over?
I recently reseeded portions of my lawn. Having done inadequate
research beforehand, I realize I didn't prepare the soil as well as I
should have. I only raked the surface (about 3/4" deep) and used some
old potting soil as a topper, instead of mulch.
I've been watering it twice a day (perhaps overwatering it), and after
two weeks, much of the reseeded areas have still not sprouted. These
are mostly areas that are shaded for most of the day and don't get a
lot of direct sunlight. It's also winter, which I understand isn't the
best time for reseeding. I live in CA, and it doesn't get extremely
cold, but we've just gone through a prolonged rainly period with little
sunshine. Temps have been in the 40's to 60's.
I wonder if I should start over, doing things properly (raking 2-3
inches deep), or if I should continue. Perhaps it'll begin to come up
when the weather gets a bit warmer and sunnier? I'd appreciate any
advice from the experrt here. Thanks!