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Old 18-03-2006, 12:25 PM posted to
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Default White Pine Visitation Rights

Kid Proquo wrote:
My mom's about to sell the house I was born in. I'm ok with the
separation anxiety issues....except for one thing.

My family moved into the house when my mother was pregnant with me. In
the process, they hired a sweet old Italian immigrant gardener to
transplant some bushes from their old garden. One day, as this guy did
one of many drives back and forth between the two properties, he spotted
a baby white pine growing along the side of the road. He said that he
felt that the pine called out to him and asked him to take it with him.
He fell in love with it. And he stopped the car and dug up the tree and
planted it in the new yard. And I was born immediately afterwards.

As a very small child, I was traumatized by an experience of being
pushed into a pine tree - the stiff needles stuck into my skin. It gave
me a fear of trees. But then someone introduced me to the white pine,
with its soft needles. And I fell in love with it.

We both grew up, the tree and I, and though i'm not terribly
superstitious or "woo woo" in any way, I've long had the feeling that
the tree has some level of consciousness and is aware of me. I only
heard the story of the gardener many years later, by the way. And
everyone else I've shown the tree has also fallen in love with it. It's
an amazing tree, what can I say?

The white pine is now quite tall and fully mature (I'm tall, too, though
a bit less mature). And I'm wondering: what do I do, the sale of the

1. try to befriend the people who move in, so I get visitation rights

2. try to grow a branch from the tree somewhere else

3. get someone to transplant a very large and mature white pine.

I make good money, and could afford to dump $$$$ into extreme solution
#3....if it's even a practical option. I don't know anything about
trees, though. IS it practical? Is #2 practical? If so, can anyone offer
detailed advice (or point me to some)?


Re. #3
How tall?
How far to be moved?

In Hamptonburgh, NY