On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 23:45:45 GMT, Janet Galpin and Oliver
Patterson wrote:
The message
from (Nick Maclaren) contains these words:
Hang on. WHICH cyclamen? He could well be talking about C. persicum,
which might survive outside where you are but wouldn't have an earthly
here. C. coum does fine, in the rain shadow of a tree or house, and
C. hederifolium might well, too.
[ To Peter Donovan: the large flowered cyclamen that you grow indoors
are C. persicum. Small ones can be almost anything. ]
Well not if they've been flowering through the winter. They would have
to be C. coum, wouldn't they? C. hederifolium stopped flowering some
time ago and so have most of the other hardy ones like C. mirabile. .
Unless, of course, they're C. persicum in a warm sheltered spot.
I drafted a rather grouchy message pleading for the use of a more
precise name than "winter flowering cyclamen" but deleted it on
the grounds it was *too* ill-tempered for a pleasant newsgroup
like URG.
Perhaps, in view of the teapot sized tempest that has arisen, the
OP will take the time to look up pictures of C. coum, C.
persicum, and their cousins and then tell us exactly what he
meant in the first place.
Rodger Whitlock
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada