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Old 14-02-2003, 09:03 PM
Michael Persiano
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Default [IBC] Hello Again

In a message dated 2/14/2003 10:39:11 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

I live in the foothills of the coast range in Grand Ronde. The wind from
the coast comes whipping over the hills and down my valley. It knocks the
trees off the benches and desiccates them badly especially the maples.
Actually all the desiduous trees have varying degrees of die back. I have
them in the most protected spot on my property. Under the edge of my three
large oak trees and behind my shop/potshed building, but
the wind still
gets them.

Judy in Oregon:

You need to erect a slotted fence to break the wind. As for trees being blown off of benches, by elastic cords to keep them in place. I have the same problem.


Michael (in Pennsylvania) Persiano );-)

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