Metals/Inorganics in Plants
ahahaha.... AHAHAHA... a new pinko emerged, a Gennady:
"Michael Hearne" who wrote in message
"Farooq W"
| More surprising the uptake of heavy metals especially
| Th and U by the plants...Barium is abnormally high or the
| soil on which that tree grew was rich in barium ores!
On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 02:27:31 GMT, "donald haarmann"
The up take of uranium by plants is well know.
Botanical Prospecting for Uranium on La Ventana Mesa,
Sandoval County New Mexico. USG Survey Bull. 1009-M.
956. Some plants uptake serious amounts of selenium.
"Bob" wrote in message
A Berkeley group is developing the use of a plant for Se
decontamination of soil. It is in field testing. (I could
probably find a ref if someone wants it.)
Then there are the Ni accumulators, which have several
percent Ni in their sap, nicely chelated (citrate, I think).
=1= I posted this into sci.geo.geology in hope to get some
views from the geos' camp about the popularity and
effectiveness of BP.
=2= As what/which compound does Si get into solution
from the calcogen silicates, considering that SiO4--
is stable only at pH 11 in aq?
=3= in what soluble or sol-gel form is Silicon taken up
and transported in/to the plant (at a pH range ~ 7)
=4= As what/which compound is Si stored in the plant?
=5= and what function does the Si have in the plants?
[Edward Hennessey]
If someone is familiar with the Russian professional literature,
this is one of its admirable specialties.
ahahaha... yeah, yeah, I bet... ahaha... So, what do the Ruskies
say?... Even if you don't know, Hennessey, your 2 liner still was
good for a chuckle, unless you plagiarized it from the National
Inquirer... well.. even then it would be funny and VERY helpful.
Thanks for the laugh....ahahaha... ahahanson
[Pinko-Mikey, the commie]
What is your qualification to be an expert on Russian society?
We were taught for all our lives that they were the enemy,
only to find out later that they were just like us. It seems to
me that you ought to curse the politicians who lied to you,
rather than the scientists. -- Michael
ahahaha... Hey, Gennady-Mike [1], don't be so fanatic. I am glad
that you finally see politics for what it is, but you must be full of
Vodka [2] to have concluded what you typed from what you've
read... ... BTW, we are talking plant chemistry here, my dear
russophile: *** So, what do the Ruskies say? *** comrade Mickey.
Thanks for the laughs.... ahahaha... ahahanson
PS: [1] Gennady = Russian Toon Superman, --- [2] Vodka =
Russian Volks-tonic to become like Gennady