Does anyone know the best way to remove green algae from my decking?????
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13-03-2006, 01:00 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Posts: n/a
Does anyone know the best way to remove green algae from mydecking?????
On 13/3/06 11:23, in article
, "June
Hughes" wrote:
In message , Sacha
On 13/3/06 8:09, in article
, "June
Hughes" wrote:
Don't take any notice of the post-menopausal stalkers. I wouldn't say
too much about them though, as they may just try getting you expelled
I'm SO glad to see you following your own exhortations and making this a
better group, thanks to your winsome ways. BTW, you said you were older
than me, so just how post-menopausal are you? And what kind of a vulgar
besom are you that thinks insulting women on the grounds of their age or
physical condition, is clever?
Here we go again. The new poster used that expression and I replied.
Get a grip, Sacha. You have tried libel in another thread. Do not
make yourself look any dafter than you have already.
No, the poster quoted you and your type which is rather different. And if
you're going to accuse me of libel, you better be prepared to put your money
where your mouth is.
South Devon
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