Metals/Inorganics in Plants
"Jo Schaper" wrote in
message ...
hanson wrote:
element or compound in tree bark that it burns with too
much ash
"Bob" wrote in message
"Farooq W"
| More surprising the uptake of heavy metals especially
| Th and U by the plants...Barium is abnormally high or the
| soil on which that tree grew was rich in barium ores!
On Sat, 11 Mar 2006 02:27:31 GMT, "donald haarmann"
The up take of uranium by plants is well know. See for
example :-
Botanical Prospecting for Uranium on La Ventana Mesa,
County New Mexico. US Geological Survey Bulletin 1009-M.
Some plants uptake serious amounts of selenium.
A Berkeley group is developing the use of a plant for Se
decontamination of soil. It is in field testing. (I could
find a ref if someone wants it.)
Then there are the Ni accumulators, which have several
percent Ni in
their sap, nicely chelated (citrate, I think).
=1= I posted this into sci.geo.geology in hope to get some
from the geos' camp about the popularity & effectiveness
of BP.
=2= As what/which compound does Si get into solution from
calcogen silicates, considering that SiO4-- is stable only
pH 11 in aq?
=3= in what soluble or sol-gel form is Silicon taken up
and transported in/to the plant (at a pH range ~ 7)
=4= As what/which compound is Si stored in the plant?
=5= and what function does the Si have in the plants?
If someone is familiar with the Russian professional literature,
this is one
of its admirable specialties.
Edward Hennessey