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Old 11-03-2003, 07:57 PM
Larry Dighera
Posts: n/a
Default tracking Magazine articles

On Tue, 11 Mar 2003 09:47:15 -0600, Karen
(Karen) wrote in Message ID :

I now have a hefty pile of Orchid and The Orchid Digest Magazines and I
want to organize them on a database somehow so that if I have a question
I can refer back to a specific article. I am always so impressed by
people who can pull journal references out for other people to refer to.

Currently I have Access and Excel 2000 on my computer. Is there anything
reasonably priced out there that anyone can point me towards that is not
to hard to set up and use?


I would scan the annual volume index (usually published in the
December issue) with Optical Character Recognition software, so that
you'd have all the indexes in text format on your computer. Then edit
them (with wordpad or notepad), so that each article (record) is on a
separate line, and each item (field) relating to the article (date,
title, page number,...) is separated by a comma. Then import the
comma-delimited database that you have just created to Excel. Once in
Excel, the data should be searchable.