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Old 10-03-2003, 07:32 PM
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Default Garden shed cover up!

Could the NG give me some advice on growing something to grow up/over a
newly erected garden shed.
I propose to plant some kind of climber on it's east facing side. I had
thought of Russian Vine but is it as invasive as I'm led to believe?
Maybe a vigorous ivy?
Your help would be most appreciated.
Thanks for your time,
Alec Powell

Clematis is a good option. Lots of varieties to choose. Some are evergreen
if you want to hide the shed all year round.

Russian vine can grow very big very quickly - up to 6 inches PER DAY in
Summer and soon get out of control.

Personally I'm not keen on Ivy - it is a bit boring and not as quick to grow
as Clematis.

(Spam filter: Include the word VB anywhere in the subject line or emails
will never reach me.)