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Old 09-03-2003, 10:44 PM
Penny Morgan
Posts: n/a
Default Official Announcement Winter

Keep thinking those thoughts and it may come true. I moved from the Albany,
NY area about 8 yrs. ago to Raleigh, NC. I can tell you that spring has
arrived here.

Daffodils, pansies, crocus, and grape hyacinths are all up and blooming. My
tulips are about 2" high. Our ornamental Bradford Pear tree is budded and
ready to pop open into a mass of white blooms anyday now. My neighbors'
flowering Apricot tree is in full bloom with pink blossoms. My Daylilies
are sprouting green all through the beds. Sedum is starting to pop green
sprouts too.

This is my favorite time of year here. The only time I really don't like
being here is in mid-summer when the temps are consistently above 95 and the
humidity makes it hard to breathe. I usually go to the beach or visit my
relatives in Latham or Glens Falls. I sometimes get nostalgic for some of
our old hangouts and friends up there, but overall, I've gotten used to this
area. I love the fact that yesterday and today are sunny and 70 degrees
with a light breeze. From here on out it should be consistently in the
60's/70's until mid to end of April when temps start to climb to 80's. I
own a flower planting service and start planting beds, pots and window boxes
around April 15th and try to finish before the beginning of June. It gets a
little crazy with 7 days of solid ripping out plants and replanting annuals
for homeowners. When I finish all the customers, I usually head to the
beach with the kids and wind down. Unfortunately, the kids start school
here on August 11th, so the summer is very short for them and it makes it
hard to try to vacation with relatives up north because they start after
Labor Day. This year the kids were scheduled to end school on May 29th, but
due to our multiple ice storms, we have to make up 3-4 days and go into
early June.

Enjoy your spring!!

Zone 7b - North Carolina
"Gary Woods" wrote in message
This is it:
I hereby announce to all who care to listen that winter has lost its power
over me as of this morning. Oh, the temperature is well below freezing,
and more unsettled weather is predicted, but melting snow is dripping off
the roof and the bare patches on the gravel driveway are relentlessly
growing larger. From here on, winter is doomed; life returns as it always
It's been a little harder to get to this point the last couple of years,
but life really does go on.

(Ambles offstage left, humming a Beatles tune, to enjoy the sunshine)...


Gary Woods AKA K2AHC- PGP key on request, or at
Zone 5/6 in upstate New York, 1200' elevation. NY WO G