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Old 09-03-2003, 09:56 PM
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Default Will growing season be delayed?

crocuses are tough, they will endure come a cold snap (we're not near out of
the woods here in Eastern Tennessee, and it got up to 72o today.......) the
daffs will suffer if they're blooming, so I just harvest them and make the
first boquet for the house. They will be fine if there is a freeze or snow.
As long as you leave the leaves on the bulbs alone to dissappear come July,
they'll be fine. I have perennials popping up underneath the dead stems and
if we get a freeze or snow or frost, they'll be fine......madgardener up on
the sunny ridge, back in fairy holler where the fairies and me have been
doing some springy things all day, overlooking English Mountain, zone 6b
Sunset zone 36

"Tom" wrote in message
The past February was the first that I can remember where I didn't hear

question, "Do you think the daffodils and crocuses that have started

will survive the next cold spell?"
Also, come say July, will the plants be as far along as they would have

without the extended cold weather?