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Old 09-03-2003, 03:20 PM
Jim Lewis
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Default [IBC] Scale Help

I have been all over the net looking for solution to problems
of scale

So far, the most comprehensive statement I have found is in an

article by
Carolyn Carver (Jim Moody's daughter) at the ABS site:

Are there any effective treatments out there? How about



Bart Thomas

Bart, Carl and Sean have both given you excellent advice, though
I think Carl's is the most valuable in the long term.

Indoor (and that includes greenhouse) plants will have many, many
more sucking insect problems than trees grown outdoors. This is
primarily because of the lack of fresh air and air movement
(which, of course) are the same thing).

There's no magic bullet. If the trees must be indoors, the
_preventative_ solutions will include a fan that gives a hefty
breeze, a very clean growing environment (no soil residue on the
benches, no dead leaf litter, etc.) and fewer trees (which means
less crowded conditions). This will NOT prevent infestations,
but it will cut them way back.

Horticultural oil OR insecticidal soap will kill young scale;
nothing much really touches the adults. Systemics don't seem to
work well, either, in my experience. Hand pick the adults.

Jim Lewis - - Tallahassee, FL - Our life is
frittered away by detail . . . . Simplify! Simplify. -- Henry
David Thoreau - Walden

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