Collard greens
"Chris Hogg" wrote in message
On 22 Feb 2006 16:37:39 -0800, "cliff_the_gardener"
Has anyone had any experience of growing collards in the UK?
They are widely grown in the US, particularly in the South, as a source
of greens similar to kale, they are a non heading cabbage, the leaves
are like those of oil seed rape but bigger.
I have some seeds of are variety called Vates
Bawtry, Doncaster, S Yorkshire
In Cornwall, at this time of year the farmers grow fields of 'spring
greens', also known as collards. They are, as you describe, a
non-heading cabbage similar to kale, widely available in supermarkets
locally as 'spring greens' or just 'fresh greens', and very nice too.
Whether they're the same as your collard greens I don't know, but I
suspect they're very similar.
There was a thread on collards in urg several months ago.
There was~~~ I remember stating that I had seen West Country
'Collards' arriving at Covent Garden[in baskets] and departing as 'Spring
greens' ~ Many years ago.
Best Wishes Brian.