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Old 12-02-2006, 08:33 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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Default Any suggestions?

"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message
The message
from "Rupert" contains these words:

Has anyone else any experience of the variegated form?
Dead or Alive.

Well, I've seen smallish variegated fatsia specimens in GC's. but I
have never seen one in a garden which had reached a larger size. That
strongly suggests to me that it's one of theose plants where the
variegated form is much weaker; maybe not as cold hardy?

That's what I suspect but was hoping someone would say it was as tough as
old boots.
I have two of these in pots which arrived a few weeks ago and look very
healthy. I guess they may be very cold hardy but I also think they will not
be as vigorous.

But in any case, I find the plain green form much more attractive;
its variegation works like camouflage and distracts the eys from the
handsome leaf shape.

Agreed but I intend to use this as an addition to the non variagted ones
and was hoping they might brighten a rather gloomey (funerial) bit of
woodland .

I'm planning a fatsia hedge-screen.

My shaded location means they tend to perform more like a tree than a shrub.
Perhaps a pleatched fatsia hedge for me then :-)