Tree Rose help Pls.
Dave Short wrote:
"Debra Fritz" wrote in message
My friend has 2 or 3 tree roses and they are about 3-4' tall. When
they bloom, the tops become so heavy they pull the plants over and
threaten to snap the main stem ( cane?)
Does anyone know of a decorative support device that may be
commercially available to stop this problem? We have checked with
several nurseries and they have nothing available except the
suggestion to use a piece of pipe ( metal or PVC). She is hoping to
find something more decorative than that.
Depends on your look. I could see bamboo in the right garden. I could
see a teepee pole (used to stake trees) or a 2 x 2 wrapped with cotton
or sisal rope. I could also see a cheap can of paint (use Rustoleum
green and mix in a little black to tone it down) on PVC, or even
better, galvanized conduit, being just fine. Rebar does rust to a nice
brown, as noted by Dave Short. Then use green plastic coated stranded
copper wire to attach the rose to the support. Or if you have or live
near willows, use a supple willow like they do in Europe to tie the
rose to the support.
Of course, some roses grow so big they have no business being budded as
standards. What are the roses, do you know? Maybe your friend must, in
addition to staking the rose, deadhead hard to keep it from being top
1/2 in. concrete reinforcement bar (rebar) is lumpy, and will oxidize to a
natural brown. It's not that noticeable.