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Old 04-03-2003, 07:05 PM
Chris Hogg
Posts: n/a
Default greenhouse for a very windy spot?

On Sun, 2 Mar 2003 23:20:06 +0000 (UTC), "Keith Pritchard"

We live in extremely exposed coastal position where winds get up to 60+mph
on occasions.

We would like to erect a greenhouse sized approximately 8ft x 10ft!

Most of the bad weather i.e. strong gusting winds, come from the south west.
Fortunately the garden is completely sheltered from that side - but almost
totally open from the east, with a stone wall about four feet high, about
three open paddocks and then a drop down over the cliff! The north and
south sides of the garden have shelter some within about 50ft in each

Is there any greenhouse on the market designed to withstand high wind (when
the door and vents are all fully closed)? The Robinson Riviera is promoted
as being 'built to promote the toughest weather conditions... and is
apparently 'constructed with significantly more aluminium than most other
greenhouses of a comparable size'. Is this likely to be of any use here...?

Thanks for any help in advance,


(remove nospam from email address to reply privately)

You might think of getting one with sloping sides, rather than
vertical (there's probably a special name for the design, but I don't
know it). I have one exposed to SW gales straight off the Atlantic,
that has stood for years. Any greenhouse needs good foundations


E-mail: christopher[dot]hogg[at]virgin[dot]net